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"A Brother Abroad" a blog Special by webmaster

VWBro Colin McKenzie of Carnavon Lodge greets visiting Cheshire Freemason Norman Jinks
VWBro Colin McKenzie of Carnavon Lodge greets visiting Cheshire Freemason Norman Jinks


During a recent trip to Australia to visit his son near Sydney, WBro Norman Jinks of the University Lodge of Chester had the privilege of attending a meeting at Carnarvon Lodge, Moss Vale Masonic Centre on Monday, 17th February. This visit provided a wonderful opportunity to witness Masonic traditions from another part of the world and to experience the warm hospitality of Brethren from New South Wales.


Upon arrival, WBro Jinks was warmly greeted by VWBro Colin McKenzie, Master of Carnarvon Lodge, along with members of the Lodge and visiting Brethren from Lodge Sydney St George and other Lodges. The welcome was genuine and heartfelt, reflecting the strong bonds of Brotherhood that transcend nation


The evening featured a Third Degree ceremony for Bro Michael Medel, a member of Lodge Sydney St George. The Master led the proceedings with skill and dignity, ably assisted by members of the Lodge. The ceremony was conducted to a very high standard, with small but notable differences from the Third Degree ritual as performed in England.


Key elements of the ceremony included: Retrospect, Raising, Signs and Secrets, Traditional History, Tracing Board, Extended Signs, Working Tools, & Final Charge.

These variations added a unique flavour to the experience while still maintaining the core principles of the Degree.


The South – A Different Take on the Festive Board


Following the ceremony, Brethren gathered for what is known as "The South", the Australian equivalent of the Festive Board. A key difference in New South Wales is that while the Lodge meeting is in progress, wives and partners gather for a social event. They then join the Brethren for The South, creating a more inclusive and family-friendly atmosphere.


The evening was filled with good food, camaraderie, and engaging conversation, further strengthening the fraternal bonds between the visiting and local Brethren.


Reflections on the Visit


WBro Jinks expressed his gratitude for the warm hospitality and excellent ritual work he witnessed at Carnarvon Lodge. His visit was a reminder of how Freemasonry unites Brethren across the world, regardless of jurisdiction or ritual differences.

As we often say in the Craft, "We meet upon the level and part upon the square." This visit was a perfect example of that timeless principle in action.

If you have ever had the opportunity to visit a Lodge overseas, we’d love to hear about your experience! Share your thoughts in the comments below.



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